l 加強體溫檢測,進入展場人員均以紅外線感測儀或額溫槍量測體溫,如有發燒現象(超過攝氏37.5度),將謝絕入場。
l 展場第一線工作人員一律配戴口罩並每日量測體溫。
l 展場入口提供消毒酒精,供民眾洗手消毒。
l 由世貿場館加強公共區域清潔消毒,展館大廳、廁所、廊道及空調機房以稀釋漂白水進行消毒,每日針對電梯、電扶梯消毒。
l 每天三次空氣換氣作業,增加空氣循環。
In order to prevent novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) from spreading, IECA 2020 International Education Fair has taken necessary precautions, including:
l Everyone entering the exhibition hall has their temperature taken with an
l All staff encountering visitors must wear facemasks and have their temperature taken every day.
l Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are available at every entry.
l Floor, toilets, corridors, and air-conditioned rooms are disinfected with diluted bleach water, and the elevators and escalators are sanitized daily by Taipei World Trade Center
l Forced air circulation three times a day to increase air ventilation.